Even though it's always best to Visit Bellevue in-person and no doubt we will be back to all of our in-person activities and events very soon. For those looking for some fun while staying home, we have gathered up some interesting and festive events straight from Bellevue that you can enjoy virtually from the comfort of your own home. Enjoy and see you soon!
Bellevue Arts Museum
Explore Bellevue Arts Museum without leaving your house! Introducing two free 3D tours of the BAM and current exhibitions. A 3D tour may not be the perfect substitute for being at the Museum in-person, but you'll be able to check out the thought-provoking works on view in our Forum; peruse over 300 toys from the 1960s-90s in America’s Monsters, Superheroes, and Villains; view innovative glassworks from Anna Mlasowsky in Never Odd or Even, and explore Yellow No. 5, which Crosscut called "a Technicolor wonderland that would make Alice jealous.
Bellevue Botanical Garden D’Lights
Even though our traditional Garden d’Lights event isn’t happening this year, you can still enjoy the lights virtually from Home with our short video to immerse yourself in the beauty of the Bellevue Botanical Garden d’Lights.
Wintergrass Festival at Home
Although the annual in-person, four-day Wintergrass festival at the Bellevue Hyatt Regency in February of 2021, will not be taking place, Festival organizers have created Pocketgrass a virtual variety show scaled to fit things we love about the Wintergrass Festival onto a small screen. Each monthly episode features music, magic, a story, a lightning workshop, and fun for everyone in the family. A theme built around a recipe and a story will be the core of every single episode – all designed to transport us on a sensory journey around the world and back home again.
Snowflake Lane Virtual Tree Lighting Event
Kick-off the season and watch Santa count down to the lighting of our 30-foot holiday tree. Tune in from the comfort of your home where you will hear fun holiday music and watch dancing characters. Get comfy in your cozy pajamas and grab your cocoa because this virtual event is sure to put you and your family in the holiday spirit.