
Advisory Board Application

Thank you for your interest in joining Visit Bellevue's Advisory Board!

Visit Bellevue serves as Bellevue, Washington's official Destination Marketing and Management Organization, with the mission to stimulate economic growth and development by increasing overnight visitors and convention business, and inspiring memorable visitor experiences.

The Visit Bellevue Advisory Board is an advising body who are appointed annually by the BCCA Board of Directors, and bring unique knowledge and skills to help guide Visit Bellevue.

As a member of the Advisory Board, your responsibilities will include: Providing guidance to Visit Bellevue staff and recommendations to the BCCA Board of Directors; serve as an advocate for Visit Bellevue and the city's hospitality community; provide the community's feedback to the organization; participate on Visit Bellevue subcommittee(s); evaluate the performance of programs and monitor key performance indicators on an ongoing basis.

Please fill out the online application below or mail to Visit Bellevue C/O Brad Jones 11100 NE 6th Street Bellevue, WA 98004 or email to

Visit Bellevue Advisory Board applications will be evaluated on an on-going basis. 

Applicant Information

Please list any boards and/or committees that you currently serve on, or have served on

List the Organization type (business, civic, community, fraternal, political, professional, recreational, religious, social, etc.), the Organization Name, your Role/Title in the organization, and your Dates of Service for each


References and Relevant Information


* Indicates a required field.